
No-code education app development in minutes

Turn your education website into an app with AppMySite’s education app builder. Create an educational app in minutes without writing a single line of code and make learning resources easily accessible for students.

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Premium features to power your education app

Point-and-click to add powerful features to your mobile app. AppMySite enables you to build school, college, and course apps that seamlessly facilitate modern education via an optimized digital medium. Sync courses & learning materials, send notifications, and more.

Sync unlimited courses

Offer all your website’s courses to the app. No matter how many courses or lessons you have, AppMySite can sync all of them.

Build for Android & iOS

Develop premium educational apps for Android & iOS without coding. Once you’re ready, publish on Google Play & Apple App Store.

Send push notifications

Send unlimited notifications to students and teachers. Provide updates on new courses, lesson plans, test reminders, and more.

Offer language options

Enable students to study with multilingual apps. When users log in to your educational app, allow them to choose a language of their choice.

How to build an educational mobile app?

Creating an educational app is easy with AppMySite. Use easy-to-use features & automated workflows to build apps in minutes and make educational resources more accessible.

Connect your education website and app

Connect your education website and app with a few clicks. Populate courses and study resources in the native app interface.

Personalize your app design

Design screens and assets with point-and-click design features. Fully customize the way your education app looks and works.

Publish your app stores

Preview your Android & iOS mobile apps on live emulators and real devices. Publish your apps to the app stores when you’re ready.

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Turn your education website to a mobile app

Already have an education website? A responsive website does have its advantages, but it’s not the ideal medium for students to access educational resources and learn. You need a mobile app to ensure students can have the best possible learning experience.

AppMySite enables you to sync your website’s courses & lessons to a native mobile interface. Within the app, you can add navigation menus, social icons, customer chat options, and a ton of other essential app features.


Why build with AppMySite’s education app builder?

AppMySite empowers anyone to create a mobile app. You don’t need a technical background to build and design your app. Automated workflows ensure your app is automatically synced with your website and every design & setting configuration is reflected in real-time.

You can also build your app in minutes. Every design change or feature is a few clicks away on AppMySite. In addition, you can fully preview your app and test how it looks and performs. AppMySite is the ideal end-to-end solution to design, build, and test your app.

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Benefits of education app development

Want to build an app like Udemy or Khan Academy? Starting an educational mobile app has various advantages. Present your courses and lessons in a mobile interface designed to work seamlessly for smartphone learners.

Another benefit of building an education app is making your learning resources easily accessible to students. Mobile websites are not easily accessible on smartphones as apps. Native apps also have better screen loading times to ensure smooth learning experiences for users.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I create an education mobile app like Khan Academy or Udemy?faqplus

AppMySite allows you to create a premium educational app without writing a single line of code. It offers many of the features needed to build an app like Khan Academy or Udemy. Features such as push notifications, student/teacher chat, website-app sync, and more are all available to power your app and provide the best possible learning experience.

How much does it cost to create an educational app?faqplus

The cost of creating an educational app can vary depending on the type of features and functionalities you’re looking for. Generally, custom app development can cost anywhere between $50-70K.

The alternative to this expensive solution is to sign up for AppMySite. You can view the pricing plans and pick a subscription that best suits your business needs.

How much does it take to create an educational mobile app?faqplus

It can take anywhere between eight weeks to six months to build an educational app with custom app development. The timeline can vary depending on the number of features you need. If this timeline is too long for you, there’s always the option to choose a no-code education app development solution like AppMySite.

AppMySite enables you to build an app with a few simple clicks in minutes. Whether you’re building an education app or an ecommerce application, AppMySite is the ideal solution to exponentially expedite the typical app development process.

Do I need a pre-made template to create an education app?faqplus

You don’t need to have a template to develop an educational app on AppMySite. Once you connect your website, all your courses will be synced to the app automatically. All you need to do is to personalize your app’s key assets (icon, launch screen, home screen, etc) and the overall color theme. You can also configure your settings to further customize how your app looks and works.

Your educational resources will be synced to a native app that’s fully customizable. You don’t need a template to build an app as AppMySite populates your app with courses from your website. All other design changes and setting configurations can be managed with simple point-and-click toggles.

Why is AppMySite the right platform to build an educational app?faqplus

If you already have an educational website, AppMySite is the ideal solution to build a mobile app. It is designed to help transcend your website’s learning experience to a fast & interactive native app. If you want a mobile interface populated by your website’s existing courses and learning material, AppMySite is the perfect no-code solution.

How can I create an educational app for free?faqplus

AppMySite enables you to build educational apps in minutes. You only need to pay when you’re ready to submit your app to the app stores.

The following points explain how the process works:

  • After signing up for an account, start by designing your education app’s icon, splash screen, login & signup pages, and home screen. In addition, create navigation menus that are essential for in-app navigation.
  • Connect your education or LMS website and app. Doing this will populate all your site’s courses and lessons in the app.
  • Configure your app’s settings to further customize your app’s overall design and layout.
  • Integrate features like chat support, push notifications, social login, and more to deliver a better learning experience.
  • Preview your app on live emulators and smartphone devices and see if your courses, lessons, and other materials are easily accessible.
  • Generate your app builds (APK & AAB for Android, and IPA for iOS) and submit them to the app stores.

What is the role of eLearning apps in businesses?faqplus

The main role of eLearning apps is to act as an optimized mobile interface through which businesses can sell courses and learning materials online. With a boom in the ed–tech sector, many businesses are selling courses online. And with app usage and adoption growing, it makes sense for businesses to create a native mobile medium where they can list and sell their courses.

Mobile apps can also deliver the best possible learning experience on smartphone devices. Whether it’s watching video tutorials, giving tests, or finding solutions, apps are designed to perform optimally on mobile devices.

What are the features an eLearning & education app should have?faqplus

Some of the features that are essential for your eLearning education app are:

  • Video streaming features (to watch video tutorials)
  • Smart course discovery mechanisms (search, filter, sort, categories)
  • Chat support
  • Student login and sign-up system
  • Automatic website-app sync
  • Push notification system
  • Built for publishing on Google Play and the Apple App Store

What are the necessary technologies to develop a robust and accessible educational app?faqplus

In order to build an educational app, you need certain technologies and integrations. With custom app development, you need technologies such as Python, Java, React Native, Kotlin, Swift, and more based on the app requirements. If you don’t know how to use these technologies, you’ll naturally have to hire developers or an outside agency.

The alternative is to work with AppMySite, a no-code platform that allows you to build apps with simple point-and-click options. You’re not required to handle complex technologies like Kotlin, Swift, or Java. AppMySite takes care of the complicated parts and enables you to build apps without worrying about writing code.

What should you do before creating an educational app?faqplus

Before getting started with app development, you need to do some necessary research to understand your target audience. In the case of educational apps, you have to understand how students are consuming learning materials and courses via mobile apps.

The following points explain some of the pre-development tasks you should go through

  • Market research: Study your target audience and competitors to get an idea of how your final app should look and work.
  • Cost estimates: Get quotes from development agencies to get an idea about what your app development budget should be.
  • Development method: If the budget proposed is too steep, research no-code tools to create an educational app. Otherwise, you can find the right agency to start building an education app for you.
  • Set a timeline: The concept of a development timeline is a bit redundant for no-code tools you can build an app in minutes. For custom app development, you need to set a concrete deadline. Not doing so may extend your education app’s delivery date several weeks and months. A deadline focuses app developers to build a minimum viable product, rather than constantly iterating the same app and delaying the launch.

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Build an app with AppMySite!

AppMySite’s powerful and user-friendly app builder enables everyone to create apps without writing a single line of code. Build an affordable app for your website and ensure quality and perfection.

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